Friday, June 24, 2011

Grizzly Bear, a little closer and more personal

What a day!  The Park Cafe served another breakfast that was enough for a good hike today.  Tammy and I hiked to Virginia Falls today.  But before we got on the trail, we discussed bears and how to deal with them.  So our plan included a stop at the respective ranger station to discuss any recent bear activity.  I am no expert but what I have read lately indicates that bears attack for one of two reasons:

1. You surprise (the sudden encounter) them on the trail and/or pose a threat to their young or food supply.
2. They are habituated and food conditioned - plainly stated - the bears see you and know that food is around.  Hence the reason the park rangers are so adamant about food storage and garbage disposal in the proper containers.

If you desire to know more, read Bear Attacks and Avoidance by Stephen Herrero.

A stop at the Ranger Station is a priority when hiking in bear country.  The rangers did indicate that since the snows are still deep in the higher elevations, the bears have come down to the lower elevations for foraging and birthing.  The Ranger suggested a few good hikes and since our tax dollars are paying for this I figured it to be good advice.  A quick look at the map and off we went.

Noise on the trail is the best method to avoid the sudden encounter.  The bells may work but around here the locals call them "dinner bells", I'll let you figure that one out......  Every trail in Glacier is preceded by a lovely sign indicating that "You are entering Grizzly Bear Country".  A sobering thought no doubt.  But noise we did make, an occasional shout, clapping of the hands and Tam pounding on the ground with my hiking stick seem to be enough.  The hike was beautiful and the destination was awesome.  We passed 4 waterfalls to Virginia Falls.   It was waterfall mania today!  The trip back was as uneventful as the walk to the falls (no bears).  But make no mistake about it, you have to be attentive and keep a sharp eye out for we did see several signs of bear activity along the trail, such logs and stumps ripped apart and moss pulled back to expose grubs and other bear goodies.

As today was our last full day here in GNP - and what a day it was.  You have to admit when you walk into a place as wild as Glacier National Park, you realize very quickly that YOU are in the ANIMALS element, be it wolf, bear or whatever.  That feeling comes over you fast and stays with you while you are in the park - especially, when you see the first shape of the famous hump on the shoulders, the con-caved face and the blonde hair.  She was off the road about 20 yards from us really working over something in the ground and paying no attention to us at the time.  There were several cars around and a ranger as well.  The report has it that she is a sow with two cubs and the rangers had decided that she was just too close to a high traffic area.  So they proceeded to scare her off with a few shotgun blasts.  Tam got some great pictures and we will post those as soon as we get out of internet purgatory at the KOA.

Tomorrow we pack up and move towards Two Medicine Area and fill our souls for the last time with everything that is wild and good here in Glacier.

Tam's Post:  Wow!  What a day!  To begin our day with a hike in bear country was a rush!  Adrenaline pumping for so many reasons.  We know we are in bear country because we have seen them.  When we first started on our hike, I was very apprehensive. You have to respect the wild out here.  As we began to see all the beautiful sites of the waterfalls, the cascading mountains of water, it was easier to relax and enjoy the moment, continually mindful of what was around you.  We hiked back to Virginia Falls and realized that these were the falls we could see from the road.  Amazing!  We sat at the water's edge for a little while and watched the spray dance in the sunlight.  I closed my eyes and felt the cool spray on my face.  Then the warm tears on my cheek as I was overcome by the beauty of this place, this moment.  My heart is so full~

After our hike, we then came upon the mama grizzly by Windy Creek.  She was absolutely loving life at that moment.  Her golden coat shining in the sunlight, digging up whatever it was she found, grooving on the bounty of spring, surrounded by the carpet of brilliant orange and purple wildflowers.  Awe!
We watched as the park ranger took out his shotgun.  Chills ran down my spine, but then I watched him aim the gun into the air and fire off two shots, to scare her back into the woods.  Bears have to be protected from people too.  We have watched people with no respect for wild, try to approach bears to take pictures.  If a stranger tried to come into your house, what would you do?  But if a bear tries to approach someone, even if that person is in her space, they will have to destroy the animal.  We should know better.

After our bear share, we went on for dinner.  Again we dined at the Ptarmigan Restaurant at Many Glacier Hotel. Our table was overlooking  Swiftcurrent Lake.  Today was especially windy and the water was a deep turquoise blue, topped with the gentle tufts of white caps.  As we sat at our table, we could look out over the lake and across to the towering rugged mountains, still topped with snow.
From where we sat, the mountainsides were dotted with what look like tiny waterfalls adorning the jagged edges like jewelry.  But after our hike today, we know these waterfalls are immense and powerful. The steel grey mountains stood in contrast to the billowy white clouds that danced across them, against the backdrop of the cobalt blue sky. Sometimes words seem so small when you try to describe such an experience.  Our food was great! But our experience was unforgettable as we drank in all that beauty, accompanied by a violin soloist while we dined.

When we first came out here, the remoteness made me a little nervous.  Now, I don't want to leave.  I hope that I can hold these memories in my mind for a long time. There is purity; unpretentious, genuine energy out here.  To begin and end this day with powerful bear medicine~I couldn't ask for more.

1 comment:

  1. This is my favorite part! I so wanted to see a bear when we went to Yellowstone, and it tickles me pink that you guys were blessed to see one. My boys still have the 'bear bells' that you bought them for that trip! How funny that they are called 'dinner bells' there, lol! Can't wait to see you both, and AK laughed at the shout out you gave him. His response? 'you know, me either, actually!' Love you both, drive safe!
