Saturday, July 2, 2011

Good Morning to All

Home at last!

5814 miles, 13 states and 19 days later we are back at home with a jeep load of memories.  The jeep has an admirable covering of dirt from what the rain kicked up in St. Louis, the road going to Polebridge, West Side of Glacier, Avalanche Lake Trail head, GTSR, Goat Lick Rocks, East Side Glacier, Two Medicine Area, Medora, and the list goes on.  I'm thinking of leaving that dirt on the jeep - right,  until Tammy reads this post!

Forgive us if we talk about our trip too much.  It is one that sets the tone for future trips no doubt!   We will get settled in over the next few days and probably start thinking of our next big adventure.

GO TO GLACIER! Take kids, grandkids, family and friends.  There were 150 glaciers in 1901.  Now there are only 25 left.  By 2025 the prediction is that they will ALL be gone.  Of course Alaska is holding out with it's share of glaciers, but nonetheless, go to Glacier.  See the range of mountains that none can compare to.  John Muir said, "It should take no less than a month to see Glacier".  Let the wildness seep into your soul.  Feel the rush of the swollen mountain streams carrying the snowmelt down to the lowlands where it will nourish the land.  Take thousands of pictures and lay up memories that will soothe your spirit in troubled times.  Take a hike and when you come to that sharp bend in the trail or that open meadow, feel that adrenaline rush and know that you are in one of the wildest places in America and that wildness just might be in the center of the trail right in front of you!

Peace to you all~

Evening at Many Glacier Lodge

1 comment:

  1. Great trip Jim and Tammy. Katy and I will have to make it out there sometime in the next 3 yrs.... We have acouple trips planned for next summer. This was a great way to document your trip and thank you for letting us peek in!
